Assisted Conception & IVF
Assisted reproduction is the name given to treatments that
can help you get pregnant without you having sexual intercourse.
There are a variety of treatments, and what is suitable for you
will depend on your own circumstances. The options include:
- intrauterine insemination (IUI)
- in vitro fertilisation (IVF)
- IVF with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
- the use of donor sperm (donor insemination) or eggs (egg
Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
IUI, also known as artificial insemination, involves
inserting sperm into the womb via a fine plastic tube passed
through the cervix.
Sperm is first collected and washed in a fluid. The
best-quality specimens – the fastest moving – are selected.
In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
In IVF, the egg is fertilised outside the body. The woman
takes fertility medication to encourage her ovaries to produce
more eggs than normal.
Eggs are removed from her ovaries and fertilised with sperm
in a laboratory. A fertilised egg called an embryo is then
returned to the woman's womb to grow and develop.
Egg and sperm donation
If you or your partner has an infertility problem, you may be
able to receive eggs or sperm from a donor to help you conceive.
Treatment with donor eggs is usually carried out using IVF.
Anyone who registered to donate eggs or sperm after April 1
2005 can no longer remain anonymous and has to provide
information about their identity.
This is because a child born as a result of donated eggs or
sperm is legally entitled to find out the identity of the donor
when they become an adult (at age 18).
Mr Swanton will discuss in more detail various options for
assisted conception depending on your situation and needs
IVF patient
information leaflet
ICSI patient
information leaflet
IUI patient
information leaflet
For further information: